The great debate regarding the difference between Arts and Crafts continues on. Ok, ok, I’m not sure that there is really a great debate about this topic, but do believe that many people don’t necessarily see that there is a difference between these two terms. Both of these terms are considered to be forms of creativity, however there are some basic core differences.
Art is considered to be the use of various tools and materials in order to express an idea, emotion or a set of ideas and emotions. Art is typically single pieces of creation meant for display.
Craft is the use of various tools and materials as a form of work, with the sole purpose of creating a real, tangible product. Craft is typically produced in multiples by a skilled craftsman.
The term craft applies to an object that we would use, rather than artwork that we would display. Art is for the purpose only of creating art. These works are often single works, unique and meant for display only and not for use.
These two terms seem very close in description, don’t they?
Many people continue to use the terms interchangeably. However, they do describe different things. Craft is a technical ability, while art is a creative ability. Both are necessary to create works of art. Someone can have incredible artistic vision, but not have the skills necessary to take that vision into creating a tangible item for others to enjoy. Others may have high craft skills in constructing and making something, yet not have the creative vision to create something different.
Whether you believe yourself to be an artist or a crafter, suffice it to say that you are welcome here at This site has been created for the creative soul. We will look at a variety of different creative forms of inspiration.
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