My crafty roots come from my grandma. Grandma could easily make something from nothing like nobody’s business. I so remember her creating a variety of different types of crafts.
Sadly I don’t have many of the things grandma made because the family home burned down years ago, along with so many precious and priceless family memories. So I depend on my memory to keep those precious memories alive. As the years go by that isn’t always an easy task. LOL!
Inspired By Grandma
As I mentioned, grandma dabbled in many different crafting genres and as a youngster, I watched with awe as she created many pretty things. She always encouraged my sister and me to create alongside her.
Here are some of the fun crafting goodness genres I remember her creating:
Mod Podge has been around since 1967 and grandma was a decoupage guru in the early days. At least in my eyes. I don’t remember when she started using this magical glue, but I remember watching as a youngster as she brought cut pieces of paper as well as other materials to life by gluing them in place to create fun decorations and home decor and bring a bit of beauty to our lives.
3D paper layering
This is probably my earliest connection and recollection to the term fussy cutting that I use in my paper crafting today. This art form was where grandma would take multiple prints of a picture and cut different pieces out of the multiple prints and pop them up to build a 3D image and then place them in a frame.
Grandma taught me so much about making my own clothes. She was instrumental in helping me make many of my own outfits.
Tri-Chem Liquid Embroidery
I can still remember the smell of those paint tubes. Grandma would paint everything from pictures to towels, sheets, pillowcases – just about anything! There was a brief period of time that as an adult I was re-introduced to Tri-Chem and I signed up as a distributor. I think I did that as a way of bringing this fond memory to life again.

I’m Thankful For My Crafting Roots
As a young adult, I continued loving all types of creative mediums just like I learned from grandma. Then one day I was introduced to the world of paper crafting. My mom and I discovered a scrapbook book and card-making store and Oh My Goodness our lives were changed forever.
Needless to say, if you are a paper crafter and reading this, you know exactly what I mean when I say…Holy Cow we had discovered something amazing.
Mom and I spent many years together enjoying this new craft genre together. Many hours of scrapbooking and card-making classes and more brought us so much time together.
As a side note, when mom passed away, I strayed away from paper crafting for a bit of time because it was quite painful to create with her mom by my side.
I will FOREVER be thankful for the world of crafting and all the precious memories it has brought me over the years. Both grandma and mom are now residing in heaven but they have both left me with some wonderful and precious memories and an amazing legacy for the love of crafting.
The Birth Of Create Scout
Moving forward a few years…
After working for 22 years as a County Employee in California I decided to retire and had an opportunity to work with a crafting company. As that crafting company grew, the company moved to Arizona and I was asked and honored to move along with them. This company was in the direct sales industry and I am thankful to have been the training manager and had the opportunity to teach, train, support, and educate our associates on the new products.
After several years in this position, there were some company transitions and I decided it was time for me to retire once again. However, this time I retired and decided to create something of my own.
Crafting and being creative are in my blood so I decided to start blogging using my love of crafting, specifically paper crafting. However, I took some time in deciding what name I wanted. That’s not always an easy task. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that I LOVE looking at the beautiful creations made by others. There are so many outstanding and artistic people in the world. I enjoy researching and learning new things. I’ve tried a variety of different creative techniques by learning from others.
I decided to combine my love for creativity and researching new and innovative ways to create new things. Thus…Create Scout was born.

That’s how it all began. Thank you for taking the time to read about my humble beginnings. But mostly thank you for allowing me to re-live and share some of my precious memories with you.
Creatively Yours,
Awesome! I’ve been wanting to try decoupage. I haven’t tried it before. I think it would be a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your posts!
Lynn, what wonderful memories to have of you mother and grandmother. And look how much it’s given you that you can now share with other people.