As I was going through an old trunk that was filled to the brim with some wonderful growing-up memories from my younger years, I came across a really fun find.
I can’t actually say I have a specific memory of playing with it when I was a youngster, but I do remember as an adult, telling someone about this specific paper doll book because it was so unique.
It was such a surprise, that out of ALL the many childhood play items that I could have saved there it was in my old childhood memories trunk. Actually, there were two of them. One with my name and one with my sister Sheryl’s name. Sadly, Sheryl passed on many years ago, so it was especially heartwarming to reconnect with this little treasure.
So what was it? A paper doll book.
1960s Fashion Designer Paper Doll Book Winnies Wardrobe
Copyright 1966
You might be thinking…wow a paper doll book, what’s special about that? For me, the fact that I was holding something that my sister and I both played with when we were only 8 and 10 years old is pretty special. What’s extra cool is that it reminds me a lot of what I currently do as a crafter today.
This specific paper doll book provided a variety of printed papers and stencils to create cute little outfits for our paper doll. It allowed for our young growing minds to use our growing creativity by simply picking and choosing which outfit piece you wanted to trace onto which patterned papers. Thus making a beautiful designer outfit. Only we were the amazing designers.
Unfortunately missing many of the stencils
Designing Was In My Future
Oh my! Those patterned papers are so “dated” for sure.
One thing for sure, I can tell I did not have a good eye for design back in the day. Yeah, so I was only 8 (I was the little sister), but based on the outfit pieces that were traced around and cut out, it was apparent I also did not have a good eye for color combos or pattern combos. LOL!

What I find most intriguing about this paper doll set which was designed so long ago is, unlike many paper doll books designed today that have the outfits pre-designed and styled, this set allowed youngsters to completely design their own outfits (tops, pants, peddle pushers, skirts, dresses and more). This allowed for pure creativity.
I mentioned there were two sets. Each of them was at different stages of use and completion. It didn’t surprise me that the paper doll book that had my name on it was pretty much in disarray and Sheryl’s was a lot more complete. Sounds about right.
Sheryl’s name on red dotted ribbon Lynn’s name on red dotted ribbon
This post may be a bit self-indulgent for me sharing this memory, but I thought you might also enjoy seeing this little bit of history for it’s unique design.
I remember playing with paper dolls. I’m so happy for you Lynn that you could reconnect with your sister in a little way through your paper dolls. Enjoy the memories.