I know for sure that I am consistently amazed by the amazing talents of others. I have decided I want to begin shining a spotlight on artists and creators that inspire me.
Today’s spotlight is on a pretty awesome designer that, for many paper crafters needs no introduction. Jennifer McGuire has been inspiring others for many years.
Her blog messaging says:
Inspiring the joy of creating and kindness of sharing handmade cards.
She has certainly lived up to her message.
I’m a firm believer that everyone has creative ability and we can learn to do most things we set our minds to. However, there are people I have been introduced to (virtually and personally) who far exceed the bar that I’ve set for myself when it comes to talent and ability. Yes, I know that practice can bring anyone a closer connection to perfection. But, Jennifer is indeed top-notch. She must never sleep because I feel she has reached her perfection. Enough gush, let me introduce you to some of her amazingness.
You could easily spend hours if not days inhaling and learning from the inspirational projects that Jennifer has on her blog.
I decided to highlight one of her more recent posts about creating cards using a stamping jig that you make yourself and a stamp positioner (i.e. Misti).
This post walks through how to stamp pre-cut die cuts with multiple flower and shape images at one time. This is a great technique when wanting to mass-produce. Jennifer does a wonderful job of making this process seem super easy.

The image link above will take you directly to the post I’m referencing. This link has the video as well as close up images of the cards she creates in her video
You can also view the video directly on YouTube here.
If this is your first introduction to Jennifer’s creative genius…you are welcome. If you’ve been aware of her and life just got busy and you haven’t seen some of her work lately…you are also welcome. LOL
Thank you to Jennifer McGuire for inspiring us for the joy of creativity and for the kindness of sharing your handmade cards with us so we can aspire to make pretty cards as well.
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