Do you remember Art Linkletter? He was a variety/talk show host many moons ago, that was famous for coining the phrase “Kids Say The Darndest Things.”

In his show, House Party he would ask questions to kids, and the tv audience would roar with laughter by the responses these kiddos would say. The show’s popularity led to his first book entitled Kids Say the Darndest Things (1957).
Kids still say the darndest things (by the way that was the title of his 2nd book on the subject), but sometimes not only do they say the darndest things but what they say can be quite profound.
Cretive Life Lessons Learned From a 5-Year-Old
Some time ago I heard a story about a grandmother who learned some great life lessons from her 5-year-old grandson.
This kiddo was sharing some decorating ideas and was explaining why certain things must be certain ways. Not only does his charming view of the world bring some pretty valuable life lessons, but I also find that these lessons are a perfect correlation to our creative lives as well.
Below are a few creative tips as told to a grandmother of a 5-year-old. This grandma was helping her grandchild decorate his room and these life reflections are some of the best I’ve heard that I want to share with you.
“You should use your favorite color a lot.”
Why didn’t I think of that? If you like pink or green or red, don’t be afraid to use it as much as you can. Color is such a great mood setter. Did you know that color psychology is a real thing?
Yes, there are many studies that show the power of color. The London Image Institute has an interesting read on the power of colors and their meanings.
One thing I know is when I wear and/or create using my favorite color (or colors), I am energized and feel happier.
My favorite color is purple. What is your favorite color?
“If you don’t like a color, don’t use it.“
It doesn’t matter what anyone says is popular…if you don’t like it, don’t use it. Nuff said.
The other day I wrote a post about Color Theory and shared that the 2022 Pantone Color of the Year is Very Peri. I happen to love this color. However, even if this is touted as an amazing color and I didn’t like it…I just won’t use it.
Makes sense to me. Smart kid, right?
“You need room to put all your good stuff out where you can see it and play with it.“
Absolutely! Don’t store your treasures away, display them! As a crafter, I know all too well that if I don’t have visible and direct access to the many wonderful products and tools that I have accumulated, I won’t use them.
How does a 5-year-old get this and yet as an adult, we forget the importance of this great tip?
I realize that not everyone has the ability to leave things out to have easy access. But, if at all possible, I highly suggest having your crafty treasures easily accessible so you use them often.
“When you get tired of something, hide it somewhere, and then when you find it again, you won’t be tired of it anymore”.
I honestly have to giggle at this one, because this is such a profound idea.
Now, I may not have ever purposefully hidden something and then “found it”. But, I can totally relate to how re-excited I get when I do come across that long-lost item that I had given up ever finding again after putting it in a “safe place” so I wouldn’t forget where it was.
Can you relate to this one?
“Moms like fancy pillows. Kids don’t unless they can throw them, and then you get in trouble”.
Yeah, I remember my mom not liking my sister and me throwing her pillows at each other. Sometimes moms are just so unreasonable. LOL
This take-away is a good-good reminder. Decorate a room for the person living (crafting) there.
Kids don’t want fancy pillows that they can’t “play with, so don’t decorate with fancy pillows, right?
I have found myself on several occasions scouting around online looking at some amazingly beautiful craft and work areas and become a bit jealous because they are impeccable, clean, and…well just awesome.
The reality is, even though they are beautiful, I’m really OK with my simple set-up. It works for me. Do I dream about the beautifully decorated craft rooms? Sure. But, I’m ok with what I have. My creative space doesn’t have fancy pillows, but it is all me.
“You have to have a light by the door that you can turn on to check for monsters at night.”
This is an important and insightful tip. So much wisdom from this 5-year-old.
Lighting is VERY important. Not just for checking for monsters at night, but it’s also important in every creative endeavor.
On a few occasions, when my lighting has not been as good as it should have been, I have made some pretty interesting not-so-good color combinations. I thought the colors matched. But, when I took the project into a better lit area…Not so much.
Yes, good lighting by the door is good for checking for monsters and making sure you make the right color combinations.
“Flashlights are cool and you need someplace to put one where you can always find it if you remember to put it back.”
Can I get an Amen? Organized storage is indeed effective if you use it.
Effective organization is a Nemesis of mine. My honey is so good at always putting things away once he is finished with it. Me? Not so much! And I pay for it the next time I sit down to create because I’m frustrated for not being able to locate that one item I need to work on a project.
Whether it’s a flashlight or that favorite roll of ribbon, it’s got to be put back when you’re done with it, so you can find it again when you need it.
“Sometimes you change your mind about what you like“.
So true! Even as adults, we change our minds about what we like. And that’s okay!
In my lifetime I have transitioned through many different styles and genres of creativity. And like many others whom I’ve chatted with, I have accumulated oodles of “stuff” over the years.
I’m currently in one of those creative transitions myself. As I learn new creative techniques I find myself not needing some of the old tools and products that I have had for years. It’s sometimes difficult to let go, but I’m learning that is indeed OKAY to move on to new things that are exciting and new.
In Closing…
Colors, flashlights, pillows, and monsters have a very unique perspective in the mind of a 5-year-old. And yet those of us who are well past the single-digit age group can find ourselves very enlightened by such profound wisdom.
I hope this brings you a giggle or two, but more importantly, I hope it reminds you that even though kids say the darndest things, we can learn so much from them.

Adorable! I was telling my granddaughter about this show and could see Lia replying to some of Art’s questions! I loved watching Kid’s Say the Darndest Things.
I love his advice and a lot of it I found useful and will put into effect in my own life. As for my favorite color it is Purple as well. As for Pillows you can’t throw, I had a couple of them but my son snagged them for his room because he liked the saying on them. Leaving me with Pillows I can throw and like using better than the fancy ones.