’tis the Season!
The holidays are upon us!
Are you excited?

If you’d like to get access to this fun Crafter’s Holiday Planner, please fill in the form below or continue reading to see why I created this for you. You can always come back after you read everything. (Smile)
The holiday season can be such a magical time of year.
For me, it brings back many, many wonderful memories. That’s certainly not to say that I haven’t had some feelings of heartache during these times as well.
However, I realize that this season that is often promoted to be about family, love, kindness, and giving can bring about stress, anxiety, conflict, and even heartache to some.
As a crafter I wanted to create something that offered a space that allowed me to journal and reflect back on the precious holiday memories I have as well as to bring joy to my heart doing what I love to do. . . Journaling and Crafting.
I created the Crafter’s Holiday Planner to help me find peace and joy and to prepare my heart for the holidays.
Preparing Our Hearts For The Holidays
Sadly it is quite easy to rush into the season without giving meaningful thought about the reasons for celebrating the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
There always seems to be so much to do and so many things to get accomplished during this time of year.
As crafter’s there are so many things we want to make to give as thoughtful gifts to others. And, oh there is baking to do. Yes, there are cookies, brownies, and goodies to bake and eat. I mean make and share with others. (smile)
Truly, so much to do and so little time.
One of the best ways I’ve discovered to help me to prepare my heart for the holidays is to. . .
Remember and journal the good times
Journal my gratitude
Reflect and pray and journal about God’s Word
A Prepared Heart Gives Way To A Creative – Giving Heart
In working through this planner and journaling the process I found my heart renewed and ready for what the upcoming holidays had in store for me.
Guess what else I discovered that was therapeutic while working through this journal? Tears came! Yup, through the process of preparing my heart, I experienced tears of sadness from thinking about loved ones and things I miss and tears of happiness of some amazingly wonderful memories that bring me joy. I absolutely feel that experiencing both of those kinds of tears are vitally important to a heart that is ready to receive and give more.
I find it so refreshing to reflect, relive and respond to all the feels that come my way by walking through the planner and journal prompts.
Now. . .my heart is restored and I’m ready to create and craft and give
A Gift For You: The Crafter’s Holiday Planner
My prayer for you is that you too can enjoy every moment of the upcoming holidays. So I hope you will accept my gift to you.
It is my pleasure to offer you the opportunity to receive a copy of The Crafter’s Holiday Planner.
I hope it will bring you a blessed time of reflection and help you to prepare your heart and get ready for all of your crafting by using the planner pages.
Included In The Crafter’s Holiday Planner
- Reflective pages with prompts to think back on fond memories and journal your responses…
- Prompts to guide your heart towards having gratitude.
- Scripture verses for both Thanksgiving and Christmas to help your spirit lean into God’s love.
- To-Do lists with creative prompts to get you started and plenty of space for you to add your own to-dos.
- Recipe pages for you to write down your favorite recipe to use or one that you newly discover and want to try.
- Recipe cards to have available for you to share your recipe with them or them to share theirs with you.
Reflective pages with prompts to think back to fond memories… - Recipe pages for you to write down your favorite recipes used during the holidays or one that you newly discover and want to try
- Craft project journal pages for you to plan what you are going to make and who you are making it for – place to add special notes for future reference and a place for you to place a picture of the project you make for future reference.
My suggestions after you receive your planner:
• Download and Print it
note: there are some pages you may want to print multiple copies of to give you more journaling space.
• Turn on some music or a holiday movie you enjoy to get you in a responsive mood and begin preparing your heart. .
• Grab a pencil/pen and begin journaling your thoughts following the simple prompts.
• This journal is in black and white, so grab a set of colored pencils to add a splash of color to your journal pages.
• Consider taking pictures of the crafting projects you make during the holiday season and adding them to your journal for future reference and reflection.
• Once the holidays are over and you have completed your journal, consider making a mini scrapbook of your project.
Are You Ready To Receive Your Copy?
sign up here. . .
Oh my goodness Lynn, just watching the replay from Kelly’s session last night and saw what you created… I loved it so much I had to rush over here right away to sign up for it. Thank you!! You inspire me.